Course Syllabus and Guidelines

Course Syllabus and Guidelines

Computer man

Course Description and Expectations

This course is the continuation of your mathematics sequence with an inductive approach to understanding the concepts and terminology of Algebra. Algebraic discoveries will be made through individual and group investigations. Important algebraic formulas will be derived and applied to solve "real world" problems

General Course Behavior

  • You are expected to respect and value yourself.
  • You are expected to contribute to the courses and work cooperatively whenever the situation requires.
  • You are expected to come to course prepared and you are responsible for all missing work
  • Bullying of any kind is not permitted in this classroom
  • You are expected to show work for all mathematics on homework, class work, tests and quizzes
  • Standing by the door does not mean you are in the course, if you are late you must sign my late book
  • You are expected not to talk while I am speaking or interrupt while other people are speaking.
  • There will be no getting out of your seat or speaking without permission. If you want to speak or get of your seat during course, raise your hand and wait to be recognized
  • There will be no leaving the room except for emergencies, which will be determined by the teacher.
  • Work Area

  • Each computer in front of you is consistently inspected. It is for the use of all students assigned to receive instructions in this classroom. It is your responsibility to maintain the work area's appearance and cleanliness (NOT OPTIONAL).

  • Writing anywhere on the computer(monitor, keyboard, mouse, table) is not permitted this will be strictly enforced. If you arrive and notice something on your work area, please inform the teacher immediately, not at the end of the class. You are to leave the work area better than how you found it.

  • Keyboard: Carefully push back the keyboard all the way under the monitor
  • Mouse: Carefully place the mouse on the right side of the keyboard (aligned)
  • Headphone: Must be maintained plugged in and cord raveled. Hang on the right side of the monitor.

    Your personal device will not be used in this classroom, if needed to be charged, please ask the teacher before plugin anything
  • Course

    Course Topics

  • Topic 1: Foundations for Algebra
  • Topic 2: Solving Equations
  • Topic 3: Solving Inequalities
  • Topic 4: Introduction to Functions
  • Topic 5: Linear Functions
  • Topic 6: Systems of Equations and Inequalities
  • Topic 7: Exponents and Exponential Functions
  • Topic 8: Polynomials and Factoring
  • Topic 9: Quadratic Functions and equations
  • Topic 10: Radical Expressions and Equations
  • Topic 11: Rational Expressions
  • Topic 12: Data Analysis and Probability